Hello friends. This blog serves as a digital reference tool to organize and share the knowledge and goodies offered through this program, for ourselves and our communities.

Feel free to send link suggestions, class notes additions/corrections, recipes, etc. to sanaz7[at]gmail[dot]com.


1st Class: Intro – Sat. 9/19/09

Urban Sustainability Movement - Notable Persons
Amy Franceschini - Future Farmer

SF based artist & designer looking at real problems, and offering artistic solutions.

Franceschini founded Futurefarmers in 1995 as a way to bring together multidisciplinary artists.
Franceschini's work often takes a visual approach to articulating perceived conflicts between humans and nature, and the individual to a community. She works both as an artist as well as a designer.[2]
Laura J. Lawson – SF Victory Gardens Project & City Bountiful Author

In this critical history of community gardening in America, the most comprehensive review of the greening of urban communities to date, Laura J. Lawson documents the evolution of urban garden programs in the United States.

Wendy Johnson
Author - Gardening at the Dragon's Gate
"Failure is essential to the gardener's soul" - Buddhist perspective

Blair Randall - GCETP Educator Notes

-wwi & wwii food shortage - domestic & abroad; u.s. citizens were called upon to feed the nation.
-citizens today feel called upon but don't know how; no longer common knowledge.
-Education is Key

GOAL of class is to become

Grow Gardeners - toolbox of knowledge, skills, resources (human resources)

Grow Educators - formal (classroom) + informal (an advocate; purveyor of the knowledge - knowledge no longer common)

The basics are same; the specifics are different; In general everything is specific.
Be an advocate for the type of change you'd like to see

Former GCETP Grads

Jason Mark - Alemany Farm Co-Mgr. - 4 1/2 acre farm
-Lauren Anderson - Artist - Produce to the People
-Rachel Pringle - Green Schoolyard Alliance
-Ben Jordan - Biofuel effort
-Paula Jones - Exec. Directive - Director of Food Systems

Victory Gardens

At the peak of wwii, the nation called upon its citizens for victory gardens.
1943 - 20 million victory gardens produced 40% of nation's produce
The had the know-how and the passion


Urban Alliance for Sustainability
Permaculture Guild - SF
Urban Permaculture Guild
Food Not Bombs
Free Farm Stand
SF Glean
Center for Food Saftey

Glossary Terms (from Garden Tour)

  1. raised bed
  2. espelier - is the horticultural technique of training trees through pruning and grafting in order to create formal "two-dimensional" or single plane patterns by the branches of the tree. (horizontal)
  3. grafting - is a method of asexual plant propagation widely used in agriculture and horticulture where the tissues of one plant are encouraged to fuse with those of another. It is most commonly used for the propagation of trees and shrubs grown commercially.
  4. sustainable landscaping
  5. minimal impact
  6. native plants - don't need much fertilizer, compost; spring & fall; climate appropriate; prevents erosion; host plants for local wildlife; attract pollinators for fruit trees
  7. vigor - how quick it will grow
  8. climate appropriate
  9. drought tolerant - water 8 x in summer 2 x / mot. least amt of water; doesn't want water in the summer
  10. swails - permaculture
  11. hillside gardens
  12. sloping
  13. water catchment basins
  14. perennial fruits
  15. herbs hold up the rasberries
  16. drainage
  17. container gardening
  18. acidic soil - blueberries
  19. lining - protect wood and protects soil from treated wood; doesn't do as well in containers w/o lining
  20. shallow root systems- asian greens & lettuces
  21. stacking function - reuse water; feed plants underneath
  22. hydrozoning?
  23. drip irrigation
Good Reads:
Worms Eat My Garbage
City Bountiful
Gardening at the Dragon's Gate


How to Homestead

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